Sunday 22 November 2015

BKMO| british krav maga organisation misleading claims

Paul Grey the founder of the British Krav Maga Association has copied and pasted on nearly every website he owns a story about Wayne Edwards  making misleading claims concerning his dealings with Paul Grey's Krav Maga licensing business the BKMA.

To back up his statement he recently post a screen shot mentioning that  he was BKMA instructor trained in his bio of experience when  he started his Krav Maga classes in Manchester after passing phase 1 of his instructor course on for a very short time (this was soon changed when the ties were cut). Wayne was told by Paul - there was nothing to stop him teaching Krav Maga after phase 1. To be pedantic Wayne could claim to be trained at that point as he was passed for phase 1 which was before his revelation to Paul that he was interested in teaching instructor training and not just being a instructor then subsequently failed on phase 2 (whole story of the course can be seen here) . This is hardly a list of claims but Mr Grey decided to blow this up out of proportion and pluralise this as misleading claims in his all out war to deter individuals from training with Wayne Edwards who he sees as a threat. Surely if Wayne had made a claim of being BKMA instructor fully qualified the first point of call would have been to ask him to stop and then on his refusal take further action. In view of this fact the question has to be asked, why did Paul Grey decide to go straight  on an all out war to character assassinate Wayne on the internet as the first course of action?

Point to consider....

There are no pages on the web claiming any connection to the BKMA from the BKMO, no one has rang up or emailed Wayne and  been given any misleading information, also Wayne has publicly stated this in a national magazine and on the internet for years, so why still spread the story around on every site he owns. He has even gone through great lengths to optimise these pages for the key words 'BKMO' and 'British Krav Maga Organisation'? The actions speak for itself. Paul wants you to see his tainted story the moment you try to research the BKMO.

Concerning Paul Greys ongoing hate campaign:-

Paul Grey has made various attempts to shut down the BKMO, discredit Wayne Edwards as much damage as he can.

1. Complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority due to Wayne claiming he was the UK Number 1 consultant for setting up Self Defence programs in schools (martial arts schools). Every one claims there number 1 with reasons why. The ASA being a respected body but not having any official capacity to stop advertisers making any claims they want agreed there was no proof to back the statement either way and suggested Wayne refrain from claiming the number one status.

2. This year in April Paul managed to trademark British Krav Maga which he claims is his attempt to separate the Brands BKMO and BKMA.  His attempt to trade mark British Krav Maga went on unnoticed and was only brought to the BKMO's attention recently. There has been attempts to monopolise Krav Maga, Karate, Kickboxing, Lau Gar in the past and Paul knows the futility in that. Luckily BKMO was able to claim earlier usage of the term thanks to Martial Arts Illustrated magazinepublications and previous websites published years before Mr greys application not to mention Krav Maga is a general term..

3. There has been numerous facebook posts by proxy on pages like Martial Arts cheats as well as Wayne Edwards' own Facebook pages and so on which have all failed on preventing Wayne from working towards his dream of bringing back Martial arts to its roots of being Self Defence first and sport being a by-product and not the only reason for studying martial arts.

4. There was also a recent cyber attack. Although there is no proof, Wayne can not officially point the finger as the case is still being looked into. The British KravMaga Organisation site which Wayne refused to change or down size was mysteriously erased by a cyber attack.


Like minded people attract like minded people. Open minded, forward thinkers will read into situations and see them for what they are. Close minded will always find like minded people to stick together and that's their prerogative too. There are groups such as the KKK, BNP, ISIS, etc who exist because they have followers with an absolute belief that what they are told is the way things should be. Thank goodness we have others that can make their own minds up and see things for what they are.

Wayne would like to thank his peers for recognising him this year with a M.A,I Martial Arts Hall of Fame Award despite what Paul Grey would want people to believe.

For More information about Wayne Edwards and the BKMO just facebook him.

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