Sunday 28 August 2016

Who Owns the Rights to British Krav Maga

In 2013 there were 3 groups in the UK that used the phase British Krav Maga. British  Krav Maga Federation, British Krav Maga Organsiation and the British Krav Maga Association. Krav Maga is a generic term for Close quarter combat and the copy write of such a term in any country cannot be upheld as every day words cannot be successfully monopolised.

Paul Grey of the BKMA

Paul Grey is a Wing Chun Instructor of no previous recorded achievements in the martial arts on the net. He is an ex psychiatric nurse. His self-promotion has mislead people to believing he is the only one in the UK capable of certificating people in what he calls a nationally recognised Krav Maga qualification. The BKMA seems to have been around since 2010 and before that Paul grey advertised himself as a Wing chun instructor. Paul was obviously one of those instructors who were certified off a short Krav Maga instructor course back in the early to mid 2000. Paul grey  has never advertised a British form of Krav Maga until 2015 but advocated previously authentic Krav Maga which suggest he believes his is Israeli.

Wayne Edwards Claims to being the founder of the British Krav Maga System

Wayne Edwards is known in the Martial arts world and has had a great deal of success in the martial arts which can be researched and verified. He has several senior grades in many systems and approached Paul Grey of the BKMA to take part in his certification process so as to gain content for his existing Martial arts school. Seeing Wayne as a threat after the second phrase of his Krav Maga instructor course Paul refused to certify him and made this clear even though breaking data protection laws that he failed him.

Wayne basically gave Paul Grey of the BKMA the middle finger and set up his own rival British Krav Maga Organisation and became the founder of what he called British Krav Maga in 2013. The phrase British Krav Maga was a phrase used for a British version of Krav Maga and not as an authentic Israeli Krav Maga group with an israli stamp of approval.

British Krav Maga was mapped from traditional krav maga and used british martial arts experts to assist in  its various components to provide a credible system i.e. British Krav Maga was mapped off Krav Maga World Wide’s syllabus but all drills and skills were revaluated to ensure correct technique. I.e the ground game of BJJ without the rules, the throws of Judo without the rules, the hands of boxing without the rules, the stick and knife of Filipino martial arts, etc.

Paul Greys misleading claims to British Krav Maga

Paul Greys misleading claims to  British Krav Maga.  There are several World kickboxing groups, Several British karate groups and not one person can claim the rights to a national, world or global form of a generic search term.

Pauls purpose of attempting to monopolise British Krav Maga is an attempt to nullify Wayne Edwards as competition.

So far Paul has attempted to drown out Wayne Edwards from the internet with bad reviews on how he failed his course and is a fake. While still not answering the big question who is Paul Grey and why is he the for most authority of Krav maga in the UK.

Paul Grey cannot successfully uphold a claim to British Krav Maga as  there is a claim prior to starting British Krav Maga as a system in its self and  any one and his dog tomorrow has the wright to their very own British Krav Maga club. We can have tomorrow British Krav Maga institute, British Krav Maga academy, British Krav Maga centres, British krav Maga council, British Krav Maga ministry, etc.
Guys the phrase is there for you to take, don’t let this man think he owns British Krav Maga. Paul Grey is a maniac and needs someone to show him how Free the market place is.

Is Wayne Edwards a Fake

The question should be:- is Wayne Edwards good at what he does? The answer is yes. Wayne has always continued to better himself and his business. Wayne has a number of Krav Mage and Israeli Martial arts Mentors. Grand Master Moshe Galisco 8th degree Krav Maga Intructor, Ex IDF and  is a Mentor of Wayne Edwards who Wayne has attended his Israeli Marital arts festival training in Israel with several Krav Maga greats such as Haim Zuttm, Moti Nativ and Many more. Wayne is an IKA member and is  Kapap Krav Maga certified as an instructor and shadowed Master Galisko on his instructor course as well as his intentions to follow Grand Master Galisko around the globe.  Paul Grey has no claim of continued learning and development himself but puts himself top of the tree with no clear evidence on the net.

Wayne also has another mentor in 7th degree Krav maga instructor Alfonso Torregrosso whom he has studied Israli Krav Maga with and continues to develop with too. Wayne is a certified Krav Maga instructor through European Krav Maga and therefore on all account any claims of Wayne being a fake is misleading and an attempt to dissuade people from training with him.

Differences between Wayne Edwards Britsh Krav Maga and Paul Grey’s

Wayne is a true Martial artist and being a. pugilistic strategist, competitive coach and self defence instructor with decades of experience on an international level he is able to provide a credible experience and journey for students.

Wayne specialised in full time fully equipped centres and therefore it is impossible to shut out of the business by a hired hall  as he and his clients are not restricted to times a hired hall may have. The majority of British Krav Maga Organisation clients have been school owners who want to teach Krav Maga in there full time centres.

Teaching Krav Maga in a full time centre is probably as Israeli as it gets as when Wayne travelled to Israel there are a lot groups who teach in this manner and it makes sense as full time centres have all the equipment you need such as punching bags, pads, matts etc. Special note a lot of Israeli schools also teach other main stream arts such as Muay Thai, MMA, Karate, etc.

Wayne Has an abundance frame of mind as he knows no one school can teach everyone. In Didsbury Manchester were Wayne teaches he has 137,000 houses in a 3 mile radius and his goal which he has reach is 250 students per location as a float and all other new students is an added growth for a stable school.

If Wayne was a fake he would not be where he is now. The fake label Paul Grey of the BKMA has labelled him with is an attempt to stop people from even trying his school or instructor training program. However Wayne views his school as an academy that once a person experiences it for themselves they can make their own minds up. It costs nothing to try and see what the difference is.

The last note on whether Wayne Edwards is a fake is this. Wayne promotes self study and visits to Israel to see krav maga for yourself. Visiting instructors will come over to Manchester and Wayne’s students like him will go over to Israel to train. Fakes don’t encourage their students to go and see things for themselves. A fake will try and keep their students blinkered and feed them with horror stories and make insecure claims about who they perceive as a threat. If Paul Grey is truly interested in a fake he only has to look in the mirror or as the saying goes when you point the finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back.

Paul Greys Claims of his British Krav Maga certification being a National Recognised Qualification

The BKMA, Paul Grey or British Krav Maga does not have a nationally recognised Krav maga qualification. This is misleading and dishonest. Paul Grey has his subordinate Mark Edwards teach a PTTLS section on his Krav Maga course so as to get LCAS funding for military personnel who will sink or swim after a 21 day course with Paul Grey of the BKMA. Krav Maga on its own will not receive LCAS recognition  a courses has to be level 3 or more to get accredited. The PTTLS course which is a bog standard trainers qualification for a anyone wishing to teach work based training is as cheap as £250 from any local training centre or college in your town, hardly work the £2k price Paul puts on his course.

When an individual claims a qualification is nationally recognised it suggests the qualification is ofqal accredited which all major qualifications have to be such as first aid, security, GCSE’s, Btec, etc.

Paul Grey has mislead many people into thinking his qualification is legitimate and more than an in house cert.  Luckily the less gullible has seen through this and done their home work through proper means and not just a google search of Paul Greys own self supporting sites.

Future of British Krav Maga

Wayne Edwards has been focusing on growing the World fight Martial Arts council GB association for the past 3 years. Now he is about to culminate this in the form or the 2016 World Championships which he is hosting in Manchester. Once this is over he will have more time to offer to the growing his British Krav Maga organisation.

British Krav Maga will be looking for partners in every City and town.

The model will include part time and full time locations. Britsh Krav Maga will act as a promotion body and throughout the association it will promote the international Kapap association who has links with all major authorities on Krav Maga.

British Krav Maga will be a network of cooperation with reality based martial arts and other opportunities for visiting international and national instructors to share their knowledge, experiences and good practice.

Britsh Krav Maga will provide curriculum for full time schools and part time alike.

The rise of the BlackBelt Krav Maga Organisation

Black Belt Krav Maga is a belted version of Authentic Krav maga. It is Wayne Edwards personal brand which he will license out in 2016. The brand includes kids leadership training and adult Krav Maga self defence plus a working relationship with Wayne.

Originally set up to differentiate himself from the negativity he has been getting from his desperate rival Paul Grey of the BKMA but now has become a legitimate brand in its own right. Only licenced members will be allowed to use the Black Belt Krav Maga brand as opposed to his British Krav Maga program which is soon to be ofqual accredited and will be a national qualification for all to use and be certified though.

Black  Belt Krav Maga is set to be out later in 2016.

If you want more information about the BKMO or British Krav Maga organisation email Wayne at or facebook him .

His websites are:

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